Saturday, February 25, 2012

In Response to Nichole

How much affect do you think NASCAR’s marketing has on its viewers? What other events do you think have some sort of subconscious affect on its’ consumers?

I completely agree with Nichole when she says NASCAR is a great way for some companies to promote their products & services.

I am not a diehard NASCAR fan like so many others but I do see the benefits of promoting at NASCAR events. Whether it be on the car, in the stands, or on the track, advertisements are everywhere. Even NASCAR's championship series is called the "Sprint Cup". 

In my case I recognize the cars more than the drivers themselves. Brands become tied with car companies, and car numbers. For example I have no idea who drives the #20 Home Depot car but I know there is one. NASCAR events draw larger crowds then any other sporting even (including the Super Bowl), and with sometimes 100,000 plus in attendance along with the millions on TV, NASCAR is a marketers dream. 

The Geico Gecko

For as long as I can remember the Geico Gecko commercials have been some of my favorites on TV. "15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance" has to be one of the most famous ad slogans of all time. The Geico Gecko first appeared in 1999 and has been in between our favorite programs ever sense. 

Warrant Buffet the owner of Geico's parent company, Berkshire Hathaway, once stated the Geico's advertising is so important to the company that he would suggest spending $2 Billion on advertising alone. This is a far cry from Geico's 2010 advertising expenses that were just a little above $745 Million.

How do you guys think a company could warrant spending $2 Billion on advertising alone? Would you focus that money elsewhere in the company?